Saturday, 14 May 2011

Sculpture rocks!

Sculpture #1

You may not know this, but at school there were sculpture classes every day after school. Me and Malaika (one of my classemates) teamed up and made this beauty! On one side there is a tucan and a meercat, and on the other there's 3 fish and a dolphin.

Apparently, while we were making it, Malaika broke it twice!

It was sold and bought by  Malaika's father, on the night of the vernissage.


  1. I wish I had seen the vernissage...
    Your team work is beautiful !
    grand'maman XO

  2. Wichiwawa! This is gorgeous! I wish I bought it.

    Remember this: you always go further when you share the experience with another person!

    Luv ya,

    Uncle Ciro
