Friday, 4 March 2011

Partial family portrait

Drawing #4

I decided to do a drawing for my great grandmother Claire, who is at a resthome. Today, March 4th, my mother, my sister, my grandmother, and I will go see her. I will give her this drawing.

To the left there is Ciro, my uncle who is a researcher. Next to him there is my aunt Nadine. Under aunt Nadine, is her son, Gianluca, who is also my cousin (he invented this funny song on New Years Day about a dog that goes in the fridge!) Next to her, there is my grandmother Danielle. Under her, there is me! And next to my grandmother there is my dad who is a talented artist. Next to him, there is my mom; then, to the right there is my great grandmother, who completes the picture.

I used coloured crayons to colour, and I used a marker to draw.


  1. Hi Sarah,

    Great job! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOO proud of you.

    Luv ya.

    Uncle Ciro

  2. Thank you my sweet Sarah!
    It was a lovely day with you and Emma!
    Grand'Grand'maman loved her family picture!
    We are all so proud of you!
    Grand'maman XO

  3. hi Sarah it is so pretty!!


  4. I'm glad you all like it!

  5. Sarah, Danielle ta gr-mère me dit que tu as fait un superbe portrait d'Elizabeth II, 2011. Ou est-ce qu'on peut le voir ???
