Thursday, 3 March 2011

Spring is coming!

Drawing #3

I did this drawing today, March 3rd. It is a pot of lovely roses and tulips. They are on a window sill and you can see a tree in the backyard, on the right of the window. I put short curtains with dots and swiggly blue lines.

The table is made of wood and there is a white door next to it to come in the scene. I coloured the walls grey so that the table, flowers, and curtains stand out. It is a trick of mine!!!


  1. Well, I'm glad to be the first one to post a comment on this beautiful art work of yours! When I look at the 4 feet of snow outside of MY window, I'm thanful for the roses in yours!

    Ian Dion

  2. Thanks!
    I will be posting more and more so keep on looking!
    Sarah W
